
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Does Anybody Write (or Speak) "Standard" English Anymore?

Nobody on radio or TV seems to know the difference between less and fewer, or between good and well. They are doing good, and eating less calories, and buying vehicles that use less gallons of gas per mile. Now one can do good, but that refers to good works. What, in context, they seem to mean is that they are doing well. To get to the grammar lesson, do is a verb that needs to be modified by an adverb, not an adjective. Well is an adverb; good is an adjective. As a previous post noted--if you can count the items you are referring to, use fewer, i.e. fewer gallons, less gas.

Another ubiquitous error is the use of the possessive form ('s) to indicate a plural. How did that get started? Could part of the problem be the pop psychology idea that we damage our children when we(God forbid)tell them that something they've done is WRONG? Is their self-esteem really so fragile that correcting their errors will destroy them? Of course the longer this goes on, the fewer people there will be who know that others are mangling the English language, so the manglers will just appear normal rather than ignorant or uneducated. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how we can reverse or at least slow down this trend?

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