
Monday, July 05, 2010

Stupid Politicians

The woman who was my representative in Congress before I moved to my present residence has been characterized as the stupidest woman in Congress. During a hurricane last year she demanded that the local government provide sandbags to protect her home. A current opponent, playing on this incident, had his supporters deliver sandbags to her home. Her reply, repeated on the local radio stations, was one double negative after another. "It's not no game." "Don't bring no trash . . . " She may think that the second negative reinforces or emphasizes the first, but it really cancels it out.
I'm tempted to send her a letter saying how grateful I am that I was able to move out of her district. Those recordings really make her sound like an uneducated idiot. She's listed as the top earmarker in this area, bringing "federal funds" to her district, but I'm still praying somebody will defeat her.

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