
Monday, December 09, 2013

Supervisor emails

"Never underestimate the power of human stupidity"--- R.A.Heinlein

To all officers,

        As discussed on our meet in August we will be beginning our required training modules this month. The training packets are located in the employee entrance along with the answer sheets. Many of you have already completed this training module but in light of resent events everyone is required to complete this module and turn in the answer sheets into my office before Friday 12/13/2013. We will be doing at least one module a month.

 Hello to all,
 Today around 2000 there was an active alarm coming from zone: 406 , employee call stating that the alarm was not an actual alarm they accidently hit the emotion sensor all findings has been approved as false, if we were to get another alarm by all means please treat it as REAL we must as always act on every alarm PLEASE make all contact until you get further notice.
Subject: FW: Security Training
 To all,
Please remember to do your training Molecule and return it in to Capt by due date listed below if you have any questions are concerns please see are let Capt, myself are Sgt. Smalls.


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